Rev. Beth's Christian Education Corner
As we finish out our Christian Education and Church Activity Year, we recall the words of the prophet Isaiah that shaped our theme:
Isaiah 40:31 -
But those who hope in (or wait on) the Lord
will renew their strength.
They will soar on wings like eagles;
they will run and not grow weary,
they will walk and not be faint.
As I read these words again, I am mindful that there is a balance that is noted in the scripture – that there is a period of waiting and hoping that comes before we are able to soar. For our high school graduates, they are about to begin new journeys. As they enter this season between graduation and “what’s next,” they will likely need to renew their strength – before they spread their wings and fly into the world.
So it is with all of us, and our summer season here at BCC will provide opportunities for both waiting and soaring into action. During the month of June, we will join together for four Sundays of Intergenerational Sunday School, where all ages will come together and focus on service – where the Church is called to soar. Then in July, we will enter a period of Sabbath, where we slow down and have less meetings and take a hiatus from Sunday School – in order to answer the call to wait and hope for what God has next for us. Then in August, we will answer the call to soar once again into a new activity year – with new curriculum for our children and youth and new opportunities for spiritual growth for everyone.
So, how will you soar this summer? How will you wait on and hope in the Lord? Join us this summer – as we take some time to do both.
Intergenerational Sunday School
in June
All Ages
9:45 a.m. - 10:45 a.m.
Sunday, June 19th
Fellowship Hall
Father's Day Potluck Breakfast
Bring a breakfast item to share
Sunday, June 26th
Fellowship Hall (9:30 a.m.)
Sandwich Making & Lunch Packing for
Smart Lunch, Smart Kids - Action Ministries
Summer Sabbath....Coming in July
No Sunday School for the Month
Orange...Coming in August