Children Worship & Wonder (CWW) is a worship service for children from 3 through 7 years old. Children begin worship with the congregation and then leave to attend CWW after the Children's message during the service.
In Children Worship & Wonder, children hear Bible stories and learn about God while they are experiencing the presence of God. They are invited to enter into the stories and form responses out of their own rich life experiences. They learn about traditional worship practices by participating in them.
This way of being in worship with children respects the developmental abilities of children. It is based on the assumption that children already have a relationship with God. Children Worship & Wonder provides children with the tools, the language and the safe space to deepen their relationship with God.

Frequently Asked Questions
What is it?
Children Worship and Wonder (CWW) is a worship experience designed especially for children. CWW is based on a Montessori approach, thus encouraging children to express their love of God in their own ways. Although the service has a regular worship order, there are opportunities within the service for children to participate, as much or as little as they wish.
What will my kids do?
Children will go forward during the worship service for the Children’s Sermon, and afterward, the CWW Greeter will escort them to the Worship Center (along the same hallway as the church office). The Storyteller will welcome all of the children, and their worship service begins with songs. Next, children will listen to a story which is told with the use of wooden or laminated materials. Children then have time to respond to the story by working with the materials for that story or by selecting some art supplies to create something of their own. The Storyteller will read the same story from the Bible and lead a participatory prayer of Thanksgiving. Everyone then participates in a feast (sometimes crackers and cheese or fruit and crackers, water). When parents arrive outside the door, the Greeter will tell the child they are there so that the child can get a personal blessing from the Storyteller before leaving the Worship Center. ​

Can MY kids participate?
Any child attending our church on Sunday morning is welcome. The program is geared toward children ages 3-7, but ANY aged child is welcome to try it. Children 2 and under should be accompanied by an adult, especially the first time. Older children are also welcome and might be encouraged to be helpers.
Additional Information
Adult observers are welcome any Sunday. If we have 10 or more children, an extra adult or youth would be greatly appreciated!
Our storytellers have been trained by the Disciples Church, and Greeters have been trained internally. Look for Greeter trainings, just in case you would like to be more involved!
Children love it! Many parents have said their children cannot wait for Sunday because they cannot wait to attend Children Worship and Wonder.
Children learn about God and Jesus through the stories, through the Bible, through prayer, and through conversation during the feast.
Children testimonies:
One of our 2-year olds lined up her princess statues and asked each one, “Are you ready for worship?” (just as our children are asked before they enter the Worship Center)
Another 2-year old saw her mother stressed and anxious and said (with signs), “Be still and know.”
Children's Worship & Wonder story materials looking for sponsors!
The costs range from $38 to $91. If you are interested in sponsoring one of these stories below please email: bccoffice@brookhavenchristian.org
Baby Jesus is Presented to God
Jesus and the Storm
Parable of the Fishnet